What is an Atom or RSS site feed?
'Syndication' of a blog means that when a blog is published, Blogger automatically generates a machine-readable representation of the blog that can be picked up and displayed on other web sites and information aggregation tools. This is called a site feed.
Special pieces of software called Newsreaders or Aggregators can scan for these feeds, automatically letting you know when the sites have been updated. Examples are FeedDemon (Windows), Bloglines (web-based), and NetNewsWire and Shrook (Mac OS X). More are listed at AtomEnabled.org. These freeware programs can be downloaded from their web sites. I myself have installed Shrook on my Mac OSX which seems to work fine.
This software, once installed on your computer, allows you to see if your favorite blogs (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!) have been updated since you last looked at them, without actually having to open each one of them individually.
This particular blog is syndicated on Atom. Try the sites below for more information about site feeds.
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