It is hard to find detailed maps of the inner plan of the town of Richelieu. This one, taken from 'Richelieu, le Château et la Cité Idéale' by eminent historian Christine Toulier, published in 2005 (see 'Interesting Links: Book 1' to the left. Order a copy!) is a marked-up version of the 19th century town cadastral plan showing the results of her enquiries about the dates of the properties. The research was made in 1987.
Dark red: completed by 1642
Orange: 17th century
Pink: 18th century
Black: now demolished.
It seems that it took quite a long time for the plots to be filled up, although the inner vistas were obviously completed by the 1640s and remain extraordinarily complete today. Can't we find a 'swash-buckler' that needs a complete town as a film set? Come back Errol Flynn....
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