The Hôtel Faisan - the Pheasant Hotel - is located on the place du Marché. It has been derelict for a long time - at least since 2004. It is owned by someone who seems unwilling to redevelop if they are required by the town hall and Bâtiments de France to remove the upper second floor 'extension' that offers five windows that overlook the square. Rather sad signs in dirty windows predicting a 'renaissance' for this building get dustier each year as the whole is neglected. Windows get broken and the are boarded up, emphasising dereliction in this conspicuous location for the town.
Maybe with one hotel already flanking the square, Le Puits Doré - the Golden Well - viability for a second hotel cannot be justified by the current flow of visitors and tourists. Who knows?
But dereliction caused by bad weather has caused rot in roof rafters and the collapse of a sector of the tiling.
It really is a shame that a sensible compromise cannot be found to allow the restoration of this building. If the square needs 'correct' façades as an instrument of the town's historic restoration policy, it seems that the Mairie could find some compensatory property advantage elsewhere.