The presentation of the Virgin at the Temple by Sainte Anne
- Philippe de Champaigne - |
Sainte Anne
Some of the streets
intermuros of the
Cité Idéale of the cardinal duc have been re-named,
Jules Chevalier in 1857 |

- place du Marché = Place du Cardinal The cardinal's square included a church and the halle.
- place des Religieuses = Place Royale. This square was the one that would be entered first by the King on his arrival from the town from Chinon, another royal town, that of the Platagenets.
- rue Henri Proust = rue Sainte Anne Henri Proust was the parson of Richelieu at the end of the 19th Century. Apparently, the youngest son of a wealthy family; buried in the town's graveyard in an imposing vault (a poor priest!). 'St. Anne' (the mother of the virgin Mary) was no doubt selected originally as being the name of the Queen of Louis XIII, so featured in Les Trois Mousquetaires, and a name appropriate for a street to be filled with nuns and nunneries. Note that the King had financed for the construction of the street itself.
- rue Bourbon =
- rue de la Galère = named after the tavern la Galère - the galley - The existing original building is the only 7-bay structure in Richelieu
- rue des Gaultiers = A gaultier is an old term for a mercenary soldier such as were common in the 17th century, in particular during the 30-years war; think of the film Barry Lyndon, directed by Stanley Kubrick.
- Place Louis XIII = Marché aux Veaux = Veal Market
- rue Jarry named no doubt after Henri Jarry, Mayor of Richeleieu in 1885, probably at the period of the construction of the Avenue de la Gare.
- rue du Collège
- avenue de Québec = l'avenue du Colonel Goulier http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/59097024 http://www.larousse.fr/archives/grande-encyclopedie/page/13727
- rue de l'Académie Location of the original Académie de Richelieu, a 'public school' for the sons of the local gentry; founded by the cardinal.
- rue Traversière = Cross Street
- rue Paul Viau-Laurence = who HE? (Google does not know him!)
- rue de l'Hôtel de Ville = Town Hall Street
- rue de Loudun = Loudun Street
- rue des Écluses = Street of the Sluices (of the town's moat)
- rue du Chantier = Building site street, filled with houses of the itinerant builders of castle and town.
- rue Jules Chevalier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Chevalier = formerly rue de Cygne - Swan Street
- rue des Halles = Street of the market halls - there were several even until the 20th century.
- place Nicholas Lemercier = Site architect for the town and the construction of the church; brother of premier architecte du Roy, Jacques Lemercier.
The present-day Place Louis XIII was known as the "marché aux veaux", where the veal market took place. A metallic-structure building was built in 1912 for this market, and demolished in 1986. The fountain that is now at the center of the Place Louis XIII had been placed in 1885 in the covered market building (Halle de Richelieu).
L'avenue du Québec was known as l'avenue du Colonel Goulier
(source M.P. Terrien: Richelieu – Histoire d'une cité idéale)
Thanks for your expert help, Aegidius. The one I am hunting at present is Paul Viau-Laurence; who he? As for my spelling error for calves....Shock horror!, now corrected.
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